A Quick Guide to Love Yourself: The Journey Begins With You

A Quick Guide to Love Yourself: The Journey Begins With You

Posted by Sagar Rauthan on

Full shot friends sitting on stairs

Everybody has a different story. Some of us grew up as the shining star, the queen of the school, with a fairy-tale family and everything falling into place just as it should. And then, there are those of us who’ve felt the weight of our past—those moments, those struggles that have shaped how we see ourselves.

If you’re reading this, you probably fall into the second category. And if that’s true, it’s time to talk about something life-changing: self-love.

Why self-love, you ask? Because it’s the foundation of everything. Before you can accept love from others, you first have to learn to shower yourself with it. Self-love isn’t just a feel-good mantra—it’s the secret to knowing your worth, setting healthy boundaries, and embracing yourself in all your imperfect glory.

Here we stand with you on this journey to self-acceptance. At Hot and Social, we are more than NY’s socializing stop. And right now, we are here to help you discover the power of truly falling in love with yourself. Ready to dive in? Let’s go.

Stop the Comparison Game


Here’s the thing—when it comes to life’s race, you’re not running against anyone but yourself. You’re not Callie from work, your sister, your best friend, or anyone else. Your journey is yours, and theirs is theirs.

Sure, maybe Callie snagged that promotion before you, or your brother scored the job of his dreams—but why should that lower your accomplishments? The truth is, comparison is a thief. It robs you of the pride and joy that should come from celebrating your growth.

Instead of measuring your worth by the milestones of others, turn the spotlight on your own path. Celebrate your unique journey, your progress, and your hustle. Be positive. Be productive. Be unapologetically YOU. At Hot and Social, we believe in celebrating YOU. You live in NY, a city full of life, something different than others, so why not accept it? And that’s exactly why we create possibilities for you to discover yourself, among a crowd you know nothing about. 


Make Mistakes; Because You Can


Oh yes, darling. Permit yourself to make mistakes. After all, you’re only human—and humans are gloriously imperfect. That’s the beauty of it all, right? Making mistakes isn’t a sign of failure; it’s proof that you’re living, growing, and trying. And let’s be honest: trying is half the battle won.

When you stop chasing perfection, you start to embrace progress. You free yourself from the suffocating grip of anxiety and silence the chorus of self-doubt that echoes in your head. Mistakes? They’re just stepping stones on your path to becoming stronger, wiser, and more unapologetically YOU. So, why not cut yourself some slack? Let your mistakes be the beautiful mess that shapes your growth.

Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting boundaries might feel uncomfortable at first, but trust me—this is self-love in action. If you respect and love yourself, why would you let anyone treat you less than you deserve?

Healthy boundaries are your shield. They protect your energy, your peace, and your sense of self. Sure, toxic people will try to invade your space, but you don’t owe anyone an invitation to diminish your well-being. And if you need to cut someone off? Do it. It might hurt, but sometimes, the most liberating thing you can do is to take back control of your emotional life. Because the truth is, no one else will safeguard your heart like you can. So, step up. Be the guardian of your peace.


Do It For Yourself 


Let’s talk about the times when you’ve compromised. The moments when you’ve skipped out on that craving for Italian just because someone else wanted Chinese. It sounds trivial, but I have a feeling it’s happened to you—more often than you care to admit. But here’s the thing: it’s time to put yourself first.

Indulge in what you love. Play that game you’ve been dying to master, cook the dishes that make your heart sing, and fill your days with the things that bring you joy. This is your life. Own it.

And while you’re at it, meet new people. I know it can feel overwhelming, but taking a step toward new connections can lead you to experiences that change everything. Don’t worry! We have you covered. Join us at Hot and Social events in NY, and suddenly, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who are just as ready for great conversations, laughter, and unforgettable moments as you are. Who knows? You might discover a tribe that feels like home.



When you truly love someone, you want the best for them, right? Physically, mentally, emotionally—you want them to thrive. So why would you settle for less when it comes to yourself? Exercise is often something we procrastinate on, but trust me, it’s one of the most powerful ways to show yourself some love.

It’s not just about fitting into your jeans or lifting heavier weights. Working out is your ticket to relieving stress, battling anxiety, and nurturing your well-being. Find what works for you. Hit the gym, take a yoga class, sign up for Zumba, or dance your heart out. It doesn’t matter how you do it—just do it for you.

Be Kind to Yourself 


Let’s talk about self-compassion, darling. It’s the softest, most powerful form of self-love you can give yourself. The world is already filled with enough harsh critics, so why add your voice to the choir? You’ve come so far, and it’s okay if things don’t always unfold the way you imagined.

Start small. Celebrate every win, no matter how tiny, and do it daily. Speak to yourself with kindness, especially when things go wrong. Instead of saying, “I messed up,” try: “It’s okay. Things didn’t go as planned, but I can do better next time.” Simple, right? But transformative.



Why look for love outside yourself when you’re already brimming with it? Falling in love with you doesn’t require a grand gesture. It’s the little things. In this post, we shared simple ways to love yourself—truly love yourself.

So, let’s recap, shall we? First, accept yourself as you are. No comparisons, no judgments. Allow yourself to make mistakes, because they’re just part of the beautiful journey. Set healthy boundaries, honor your space, and remember—taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. And don’t forget to be kind to yourself, especially when the world isn’t.

But self-love isn’t just about quiet moments alone. Sometimes, it’s about stepping out and embracing the world. So if you’re feeling like your usual crowd isn’t quite hitting the mark, don’t hesitate. Step out. Meet new people. Discover a different kind of love. And if you’re wondering where to start, we at Hot and Social have the answer. We’re New York’s go-to for vibrant social meet-ups and fun groups that invite you to be unapologetically you. Join us—come solo and leave with a tribe that gets you.

Curious to know more about what we do? Click here and find out how we’re ready to unwrap new connections for you.

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